
Clarity is knowing exactly who you are and what you want, and then dedicating yourself to achieving it;  Success is to know what you want and get it. You have to decide in advance what you want. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.  The clearer you are about the results you want, the easier it will be for you to reach attainment.

You have to put the Go into your goals. Goal setting is a skill we have to learn. Small goals are more important than big goals because “inch by inch is a cinch and yard by yard is hard.” Even when you have a big goal like a building a castle, you need to break it into smaller goals, like gathering a group of people to share the vision of a castle, finding the right land, finding the right architect, etc. then after all of that…the castle is built one brick at a time. It’s the same with goals. You need patience and planning to meet your goals one at a time.

Your goals are the blueprint for your life.  They are the preview of your life’s coming attractions. Increase your ability to create and achieve goals. Without goals you live your life problem to problem rather opportunities to opportunities. Motivation gets you started. Your habits keep you going, and having goals will help you to determine how you spend your time.

What I am about to explain to you in this first module of the 5C’s To Success will change your life forever, that is if you follow through?  I am going to ask you in this module 3 questions that give you focus. The most essential aspect of the 3 listed is “be.” To be starts with your thoughts. Your thoughts are constantly creating your beliefs. When you think you can or can't do something, you affirm it in your action.  If your mindset is one in which you wholeheartedly believe that you belong (Be) and you’re capable of fulfilling (Do) that role, then without a doubt you will accomplish your goals (Have). The "doing" is the action based your beliefs about yourself. Then, of course, we manifest or "have" what we think we can have.  Whatever you want to be see yourself successful from the start. Visualize success of who you want to be.

BEING the person you want to be, which will allow you to DO the things this type of person would do, so you can HAVE the results this kind of person has. For you to change you have to change who you are BEING.  Why do you think we are called “human beings and not human doings?”  Most likely someone asked you as a kid, “what do you want to “be” when you grew up.  I bet no one asked you what you want to do when you grew up. The thing is about “being” someone, is that it sets in motion all activity for success or failure.  How would an architect think? How would they make decisions? What books would they read? What seminars would they go to? Decide on the being! Be Do Have is very powerful if you understand it all starts with the BEING! Always ask yourself, am I being the person I said I'm being and I am doing what they would do? “You gotta be before you can do, and you’ve gotta do before you can have.” “Success is one thing you can’t pay for. You buy it on the installment plan and make payments every day.”“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.” “If you aim at nothing. You will hit every time!” BEING the person you want to be, which will allow you to DO the things this type of person would do, so you can HAVE the results this kind of person has.  For you to change you have to change who you are BEING.    

Have clarity on your:

  • Goals
  • Values
  • Purpose


Clarity is knowing exactly who you are and what you want, and then dedicating yourself to achieving it.  Your goals are the blueprint for your life.  They are the preview of your life’s coming attractions.

To accomplish your goals:

  • Decide what you want.  
  • Believe it will happen.
  • Visualize that you already have it.

Critical Questions

  1. If you could spend a day with any person living or dead who would they be?
  1. Why did you choose them?
  1. What would you want to learn?
  1. What questions would you ask?
  1. Why would they want to be with you? 
  1. What top 3 values do they have that you would like to incorporate in your life? 
  1. How can you develop those values in your life? 
  1. What kind of world would it be if everyone was just like you?
  1. What do you want your life to stand for?
  1. To feel successful, what specific things need to occur?

People with goals succeed those that don’t have goals don’t. Period. Goals determine your destination. You can’t hit a target that you can’t see.Just like a ship leaving a harbor, the journey is all mapped out. Destination is the key. Without knowing where you are going the ship can't leave. Just like a ship, the ship's rudder that directs the ship is like your goals. I love using Google maps for directions. This tool resembles how your mind works. Imagine your brain is the origin from where you are leaving and your goals are your destination. Whatever destination you give to your brain’s equivalent of a Google mapping program, it will come up with the directions.

People with goals succeed those that don’t have goals don’t. Period. Goals determine your destination. You can’t hit a target that you can’t see. Just like a ship leaving a harbor, the journey is all mapped out. Destination is the key. Without knowing where you are going the ship can't leave. Just like a ship, the ship's rudder that directs the ship is like your goals. I love using Google maps for directions. This tool resembles how your mind works. Imagine your brain is the origin from where you are leaving and your goals are your destination. Whatever destination you give to your brain’s equivalent of a Google mapping program, it will come up with the directions.

Success Goal System

   #1 Develop intense, burning desire for what you want. 

   #2 Belief – You must absolutely believe it is possible for you to achieve your goal. 

   #3 Write/type down your goals clearly.  Goals that are not in writing are merely wishes or fantasies. 

   #4 Make a list of all the ways that you will benefit from achieving your goal.  It it not really about what you want, but why you want it. 

   #5 Analyze your starting point just like google maps, you plug in where you are then say where you want to go.

   #6 Set a deadline on the achievement of your goal. 

   #7 Make a list of all the obstacles that stand between you and the accomplishment of your goals.

   #8 Identify the additional information, knowledge and skills will you have to develop or acquire to achieve your goals?

   #9 Try to make a list of all the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your most important goals.  

   #10 Make a list of everything that you will have to do to achieve your goal and organize it by sequence and priority. 

   #11 Practice visualization on a regular basis.  Create a clear mental picture of your goal as it would appear if it were already achieved. Replay this picture over and over again on the screen of your mind. Your mind is activated by pictures.

   #12 Make the decision, in advance, that you will stay determined and dedicated to reach your goals.