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To keep things running smoothly throughout the recovery process:

  • Make any temporary repairs to protect the property from further damage or people from additional injuries
  • Implement business continuity strategies for recovery and resumption of normal business operations (e.g., backup operations site, data recovery, and so forth)
  • Communicate with employees and residents. Note that Twitter is an effective tool for real time communication because of its SMS/ text abilities in the event of disrupted internet and phone service.
  • Depending on the emergency or disaster provide resources and tips to residents (e.g., tips for food safety guidelines during a power outage, resources on preparing for tornados or hurricanes, etc.)
  • When dealing with the media, direct inquiries to a designated spokesperson
  • Offer supplies of flashlights, batteries, bottled water, and so forth
  • Keep battery-powered radio available to listen to emergency updates and news reports.
  • Complete initial incident report that capture the period immediately before and after the loss. Take photographs or video.
  • Create a log to track expenses including cash, purchase orders, credit card charges, and contracts.
  • Log the contractors and identify the scope of their work
  • Continue written and photographic record from inception through the completion of the emergency or mitigation services
  • Review and update emergency plan
Posted by ralph
January 19, 2021

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